
Welcome to our new member ATIBT, the consultancy GFEC


We are pleased to welcome to ATIBT the GFEC consultancy, based in Libreville (Gabon).

Global Forest Environment Consulting (GFEC) is an engineering firm, under Gabonese law, specialized in forest-based, environmental and sustainable local development, created in 2014. It is recognized by the Gabonese administrations in charge of forests and the environment for carrying out studies and technical plans, supporting companies and village community initiatives towards legality, forest management, sustainable resource extraction, the implementation of integrated management systems and eco-certification.

GFEC is headed by a forest engineer and led by a qualified and experienced team deployed in several Central and West African countries (Gabon, Cameroon, Congo, Ivory Coast) for a client portfolio of more than twenty companies, more than half of which are Asian-owned.

This team, currently made up of 22 permanent workers, is composed of a managerial staff, a technical staff and a support staff who are regularly trained and retrained to meet the needs of customers in terms of quality and deadlines. To ensure managerial and technical consistency, it permanently allocates the needs of a Legal Adviser, an IT technical support adviser and a punctual technical commission for specific aspects.

The Firm also benefits from the support of a panel of regular consultants and maintains a dozen of partnerships that can mobilise a staff of more than 200 professionals (forest engineers, planners, environmentalists, auditors, project managers, timber industry specialists, civil engineers, architects, cartographers, economists, sociologists, lawyers, archaeologists, botanists, geographers, wildlife experts, operators and field agents, etc.).

Its intervention policy is essentially based on the mastery of protocols, respect for nature protection rules, the safety of field agents, rigorous support, national strategies and sectoral innovation.

GFEC also emphasizes the incubation of eco-quality among the actors it works with, particularly through the promotion of the reception, supervision and professional integration of young graduates in Gabon and in the sub-region.