ATIBT Newsletters

143 documents


ATIBT Newsletter - June 05, 2024

To the attention of ATIBT members.
ATIBT General Assembly will be held on Friday 7 June 2024 by video conference from 10 am to 12.30 pm CET. Members of the Association have received the connection link by mail, as well as the activity report,the accounts and the audit reports for our statutory auditors. We hope to see many of you there. If you are unable to attend, don't forget to fillin the delegation of authority form (also sent by mail).
Thank you !


ATIBT Newsletter - December 22, 2023

Here we are, 2023 is coming to an end! For this last newsletter of the year, the ATIBT team would like to thank the Association's members and partners for their commitment and ambition to promote sustainable tropical forest management as a solution for preserving forest ecosystems. 2023 will have been rich in discussions and challenges: EUDR, CITES, the coup d'état in Gabon, but also the development of links between the ATIBT and South and Central America, the launch of the project to support the private sector in Cameroon... And 2024 will be an important year as well! We would like to take this opportunity to announce that the next ATIBT Forum will be held on October 3 and 4, 2024 in Antwerp, and we hope to see many of you there. Between now and then, the coming months will be busy, and we're sure to have plenty of opportunities to exchange views on interesting subjects, starting with theCarrefour International du Bois in May.
The President and the entire ATIBT team wish you all a very happy holiday season!


ATIBT Newsletter - June 09, 2023

The EUDR regulation was published today in the Official Journal of the European Union, under reference 2023/1115. It will therefore come into force in 20 days' time and will be applicable 18 months later (24 months for SMEs). We see this regulation as an opportunity for the certified tropical forestry and timber industry, which is already well prepared for the basic requirements of the regulation (with the EUTR, certification, sustainable management, etc.).
The ATIBT is working with its partners (LCB, Fédustria, ETIC, CEI Bois, ETTF, MTC, etc.) to defend common positions and bring them to European Commission level. Next week, the ATIBT will be taking part in a workshop organised in Berlin by Preferred by Nature on the challenges raised by this regulation, and we'll be sure to keep you informed of the conclusions.


ATIBT Newsletter - May 19, 2023

The CITES FAQ has been updated this week. This update concerns points 2.2 (concerning the deadline for implementation of CoP19 decisions) and 2.3 (concerning the measures to be taken). In addition, Regulation (EU) 2023/97 was published on 17/05/2023 to incorporate the amendments adopted at the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP19). This regulation will enter into force on Saturday, May 20.


ATIBT Newsletter - April 21, 2023

This week marks a new step for the new European regulation on deforestation: it has indeed been adopted by the European Parliament on April 19, 2023.
We take this opportunity to remind the upcoming calendar: the regulation will be voted in May by the Council of the EU, with a publication of the text in the Official Journal during the summer 2023. The obligations for operators will come into force in December 2024, with an additional six-month period of application (June 2025) for SMEs and VSEs.
In this context, certification schemes, associations and consultancies working for responsible trade in tropical timber are holding regular webinars and discussions for companies. Don't forget to check the agenda to stay informed.


ATIBT Newsletter - April 14, 2023

We are pleased to inform you that our CITES Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) have been updated to include important information on: (i) the validity period of quotas for Annual Cutting Areas, (ii) additional documents that importers can provide to facilitate the issuance of import permits, and (iii) mistakes to avoid when applying for a "pre-convention" import permit.
If you don't find an answer to yourquestion in our FAQ, don't hesitate to contact us directly by email at the following address:


ATIBT Newsletter - March 24, 2023

As the CITES action plan is being implemented at the ATIBT, the FAQ is evolving to respond to the concerns of companies. It now has its own dedicated page on the website and will evolve as questions and events arise. You will also find it every Friday in a dedicated link in our newsletter.


ATIBT Newsletter - February 17, 2023

The ATIBT met this week with its members in Côte d'Ivoire. The main challenges of the sector in the country were discussed, including the application of the EUDR in an agroforestry context, as trees for the timber industry are often harvested in rural areas. Issues related to species listed in Annex II of the CITES, to the allocation of new concessions, and to waste valorization were also discussed. Finally, a meeting with the Ministry of Water and Forests recalled the links between ATIBT and Côte d'Ivoire, member of the association.
Have a great weekend!
The ATIBT Team


ATIBT Newsletter - February 10, 2023

Various issues related to the tropical timber market need to be addressed in a more global way, with close links between actors from the major regions of origin. For example, Brazilian, Peruvian and Central American certified community forest companies (brought together by the Rainforest Alliance) have contacted ATIBT to better address with our association, issues such as the promotion of certified wood in import markets, Cites listings, among others, to better promote the importance of our sector.
Have a great weekend!
The ATIBT Team


ATIBT Flash News - January 30, 2023

Launch of the ATIBT CITES project with a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


ATIBT Newsletter - January 26, 2023

Is CSR a new strategic priority for companies?
Over the next few years, CSR policy will not be an additional asset, or even a simple obligation for companies, but an essential element at the heart of their strategy, by voluntarily integrating environmental and social issues into their economic activities. Due to the current environmental emergencies, the movement is set to accelerate.
Our tropical wood industry, particularly concerned by these issues because of its fight against deforestation and the protection of biodiversity, is part of the global solution. As a conservation mechanism, the forest certification of tropical forests deserves to be supported, of course and aboveall by the downstream sector, but alsoby large companies which will have a great opportunity to contribute directly, through key players, to the major environmental challenges.
Thus, our association must recall the expected benefits of a CSR policy oriented towards the support of economic actors engaged in the South, and explain their positive impact.  In this respect, the ATIBT welcomes once again the new LCB CSR commitments charter, presented in our newsletter of December 23 and called to be a fine tool for our industry. This charteris, at the level of our entire sector in Europe, particularly innovative.
Have a good weekend!
The ATIBT Team


ATIBT Flash News - January 24, 2023

Tropical forests lose their great lady, Sylvie Gourlet-Fleury has left us


ATIBT Newsletter - January 20, 2023

In the wake of the last Climate COP and Biodiversity COP, the One Forest Summit to be held in Libreville in March 2023, organized by the French and Gabonese governments, will be a key event for actors involved in the fight against climate change and the protection of tropical forests. This meeting will highlight concrete actions and innovative solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect biodiversity and promote sustainable development. The summit will be an opportunity for governments, businesses, civil society organizations and local communities to come together to discuss the challenges and opportunities related to the transition to a low-carbon economy. It will also be an opportunity to highlight initiatives that have alreadybeenput in place to fight climate change and to share best practices. The fight forclimate and environmental protection cannot be led by public actors alone, but requires collaboration between all actors of society. This is why the One Forest Summit will be a meeting place for all actors involved in the energy and ecological transition. We will come back next week on this meeting in preparation.
In addition, the WWF hosted a webinar today on the aftermath of the COP 15 biodiversity, and the implications for the CSR policy of companies. There is also a lot to remember about this meeting, and we will report on its content in the coming days.
Have a great weekend!
The ATIBT Team


ATIBT Newsletter - January 13, 2023

Within the ATIBT's Forestry-Industry Commission, a new working group is currently taking shape to specifically address Cites issues, in conjunction with tropical wood producing countries. This action aims above all to better inform the entire profession on the prospects of species listed in Annex 2. In the medium term, it will also contribute to the evaluation of existing resources before Cites decisions are made.
ATIBT members wishing to participate in this working group can contact
In addition, the consultation phase of the proposed methodology for developing biodiversity certificates is still open: send your feedback to
Have a great weekend!
The ATIBT Team


ATIBT Newsletter - January 6, 2023

First of all, we would like to send our traditional wishes to all our members at the beginning of 2023.
We start this new year with an environmental agenda which, in 2022, will have never shown so many concerns from governments, companies, consumers: carbon footprint, global warming, biodiversity, fight against deforestation. This in an economic context marked by inflation and tensions on all markets. Our tropical wood world has not been spared by this turbulence and has had to continue to evolve in order to face these numerous challenges. And to adapt.
How can we continue our evolution towards a more environmentally and socially friendly production in such a complex context? One more year, we will try to advance this reflection through a collective work with our members. In 2022, our association hascontinued togrow strongly, continuing to bring together major players in the sustainable management of tropical forests. This is a real mark of confidence that we are proud of.
2023 will obviously be a year during which we will have to support our members in the short term, through our project actions, our advocacy, our educational webinars, while taking decisions and keeping a vision on the medium and long term in order to ensure the prosperity of our sector. Relations with Asia will be more crucial than ever because, once again, European regulations, although understandable, risk accentuating imbalances.
The ATIBT sends you its best wishes for 2023!
The ATIBT Team


ATIBT Newsletter - December 9, 2022

This week, two important meetings took place at the ATIBT headquarters, namely the 5th edition of the think tank, and the Board of Directors of our association. During this Board, three subjects in particular were discussed. First of all, the recent decisions at the level of CITES, which should give rise to a better mobilization of our sector to better communicate on the true status of the species concerned. Secondly, the new European Union regulation against imported deforestation, which highlights the importance of sustainable management certification. Finally, the policies to stop log exports in the Congo Basin countries, and the short-term implications for the sector. Board members also expressed their need for information on the implementation of Congo's production sharing.
The ATIBT Team


ATIBT Newsletter - December 1rst, 2022

During this year 2022, our association has exchanged with many partners on the development of domestic markets in the countries of the Congo Basin, which are still mostly supplied with unsustainable wood. Also, this week in Douala a workshop is being held during which actions to be undertaken are being discussed in order to implement concrete measures as of January 2023. MINFOF, FAO, WWF, CPB (Center for the Promotion of Wood), Cameroonian associations of artisans, as well as ATIBT, among others, are making proposals to overcome the major difficulties. Of course, a tax system adapted to this market must be put in place, but also many other measures such as support for investments, professional training (already undertaken with the ADEFAC project), and a good connection between forestry companies and small and medium-sizedenterprises (SMEs), in particular. The ATIBT team was composed of Benoit Jobbé-Duval, Hortense Batindek, and Germain Yené.
The ATIBT Team


ATIBT Newsletter - November 25, 2022

This Friday, November 25 in Panama City, the future of part of the forest production in Central Africa is at stake. Discussions on the three genera (Afzelia, Pterocarpus and Khaya) are continuing on this last day, after the proposals that were adopted during the committee to include them in Annex 2. We have already sent you part of this information last week. These proposals must now be endorsed by the plenary. Or not.
Gabon, Congo and Cameroon will certainly be very active in the debates, as an inscription in annex 2 of the above mentioned genres will not be insignificant. To accompany the policies, a side event was organized to present the PPECF-IUCN project managed by Gembloux-Nature+, and the results obtained for Pterocarpus and Afzelia clearly show that there is no threat to these species. The Gembloux study didnot include Khaya, but the existing information raised doubts about the relevance of their listing, covering the entire genus. If they are listed, one can only deplore the additional constraints that will weigh on Central African countries that have already taken ambitious measures to ensure sustainable forest management.
The ATIBT Team


ATIBT Newsletter - November 10, 2022

In Gabon, the economic situation of the timber sector is worrying the unions. As mentioned in the ITTO market report of the second half of October, which we relayed last week, the Gabonese timber industry is indeed experiencing difficulties, partly explained by the decline in Chinese demand and the fall in prices. While China is usually an important market for Gabon, this drop has considerably slowed down industrial activity. The trade unions have written a letter to the Minister of Water and Forests, Prof. Lee White, to alert him: they fear that some sawmills will be shut down and jobs will be lost if the situation does not improve. To be continued.
Françoise Van de Ven, President of the ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - November 04, 2022

Two major events for our industry are taking place in the next few days, namely the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 27) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, from 6 to 18 November 2022, and the 58th Session of the ITTO International Council, which will be held from 7 to 11 November 2022, in Yokoama.
To attend the 58th Session of the ITTO International Council, a Youtube link is available:
Pierre Schueller, secretary of the carbon and biodiversity commission of the ATIBT will make a presentation in Yokoama on November 8 on the feasibility of carbon projects in CentralAfrica, addressing the following points: (1) improving foresters' knowledge of carbon markets, (2) improving investors' knowledge of forest carbon, (3) removing technical barriers to the realization of carbon projects in Africa, (4) evoking institutional barriers to the realization of carbon projects in Africa, and (5) opportunities for other services than carbon to be valorized. This presentation will also be made at COP 27 on November 18, 2022, in the “COMIFAC-ECCAS Initiatives Pavilion”. It will be followed by a presentation on the future of forestry and the private forest-wood sector in Central Africa in the context of global health, the economic crisis and the new orientations of Chinese policy. The two persons who will represent the ATIBT at the COP will be Benoit Demarquez, member of the ATIBT board of directors and Pierre Schueller.
The ATIBT Team


ATIBT Newsletter - October 28, 2022

This week, the Minister of Forest Economy of the Republic of Congo announced the end of log exports on January 1, 2023. Our association welcomes this decision, which will allow for the long-term advancement of the country's wood processing industry.
Congo is now entering an important stage. 2023 will be a year of transition, not necessarily easy. For various reasons (covid, energy crisis, raw material crisis), companies have had difficulties over the past two years to prepare for this decision and to equip themselves with the new industrial means necessary to absorb the volumes of wood that are no longer exported. Discussions between the authorities and operators in the sector should take place in the short term and could facilitate the implementation of this policy, to clarify certain questions concerning, among other things, the export of heavy timber, or the future of commercial contracts currently in force.InCameroon, discussions between the authorities and the GFBC seem to indicate the opening of a 3-year transition period.
You can find here the letter that was circulated by Congo
The ATIBT Team


ATIBT Newsletter - October 21, 2022

On October 13th, WWF, in association with ZSL (Zoological Society of London), produced its report "Living Planet 2022, Building a nature-positive society". The ATIBT welcomes this report which is published every two years. This report is a difficult statement for our Earth, as it talks about an average 69% drop in monitored wildlife populations between 1970 and 2018. The report states that Latin America is suffering the greatest regional decline (94%), while freshwater species populations have seen the greatest decline globally (83%).
But the report also indicates that we have the knowledge and means to deal with climate change and biodiversity loss. This is an opportunity for ATIBT to remind us that certified forest management is a real bulwark against biodiversity loss. In certified concessions, large mammal populations and wildlife in general are monitored and anti-poaching measures are strong. Biodiversity loss is, in some forest countries such as Gabon, on the rise for certain emblematic species such as the forest elephant. Of course, beyond biodiversity issues, the sustainable management of tropical forests is also at the heart of climate issues.
In addition, the issue of intact forest landscapes in relation to certified sustainable management was constructively discussed at the FSC Assembly in Bali. The WWF report clearly states the need to "foster dialogue and identify opportunities for collective action to achieve sustainable landscape objectives". This is the goal of our action.
Read the WWF / ZSL report in English
The ATIBT Team


ATIBT Newsletter - October 14, 2022

The general assembly of the FSC 2022 ended this Friday, October 14, in Bali, after six days of work. The ATIBT thanks the different members who accompanied the team to defend the wishes of our association. Motion 1 on the adoption of French as the third language of the FSC, supported by the ATIBT, as well as Motion 23 on intact forest landscapes, on which the team has been working for more than two years, have been validated. These two results are real advances. Below is an article detailing what Motion 23 means for managing the future of intact forest landscapes within forest concessions.
I would like to give a special thanks to Caroline Duhesme and her team who worked to make Motion 23 a success, and to the PPECF program for its ongoing support.
Benoit Jobbé-Duval, ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - October 07, 2022

This week, from 3 to 7 October, the 26th session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO) was held in FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy. ATIBT was officially registered as an observer and represented by Mr. Olman Serrano, ATIBT President until last January, Ms. Tullia Baldassarri, Interholco Communication and marketing manager. At the same time, the 8th Forest Week took place, side by side with COFO, including special events.
The agenda offered a wide range of topics, also to the interest of ATIBT members. That included the presentation of the latest edition of the State of the World's Forests 2022, which is FAO's Flagship publication. ATIBT took the opportunity to deliver a statement on the agenda item “Forests and sustainable production of wood and non-wood forest products”. There, the good collaboration between FAO and the private sector ATIBT represents was highlighted, especially in the Congo Basin, as well as the importance of multi-stakeholder dialogue in international policy discussions that are of direct interest to all ATIBT members, including FAO Member countries and civil society. The statement made direct reference to the questionable procedures unilaterally followed by CITES, recently – to which ATIBT is in disagreement.
ATIBT's presence also made it possible to have a number of one-to-one meetings with key partners, including representatives of international organizations, government officers responsible for forests and of course, with FAO staff members.
More information on the contents of this conference will be provided next week.
The ATIBT team


ATIBT Newsletter - September 30, 2022

At the next Cites conference in Panama, the genera Afzelia, Khaya and Pterocarpus could find themselves listed in Annex 2 of Cites with the support of the EU and its members, who do not always seem to evaluate the consequences of such a listing for the concerned producer countries.
The ATIBT, as well as other organizations such as ITTO, have not been consulted, which is incomprehensible. Were the producing countries themselves consulted? What is the basis for the CITES and the European Union to target certain species?
If the classification in appendix 2 does not mean a ban on the marketing of these species, it is, in fact, a brake on their exports. Many European marketers will be influenced by such a listing, and will turn away from these woods. Moreover, the Appendix 2 listing introduces new requirements for the Ministries in charge of forests (notably the production of Non-Detrimental Trade Notice, the setting andmonitoringofquotas), requirements that are sometimes difficult to meet due to lack of human resources.
We would like CITES not to rush into this classification, and to be able to differentiate the species to be listed within the 3 genera mentioned. Also, the ATIBT and some of its members have initiated for several months a work of analysis of the status of vulnerability and communication on the real situation of the exploited species for the 3 genera mentioned above, among others.
The ATIBT team


ATIBT Newsletter - September 23, 2022

The various positions taken by the forestry authorities in the CEMAC zone regarding the cessation of log exports have not yet been officially confirmed.
Moreover, the means and support that should be financed by the African Development Bank are still pending. Considering the impact of this stop on our sector, it is urgent that the profession be informed of these deadlines and of the accompanying measures envisaged, because the consequences will be numerous. It is necessary that the whole profession - forestry companies, processing industries, traders and transporters, among others - is prepared. The domestic wood market will have to be able to turn resolutely towards sustainable wood, and here too, measures will be needed to accompany this change.
The ATIBT team


ATIBT Newsletter - September 16, 2022

A mission of the director of the ATIBT, in Cameroon, allowed this week to meet the various project managers of our association, to explore the needs of members and partners to face the many challenges of the sector. Thus, a diagnosis was initiated with some of them, and will continue during the next weeks, in the perspective of a support action in Cameroon which could take place over the next years. A work plan should be defined before the end of the year.
The ATIBT team


ATIBT Newsletter - September 09, 2022

This week, the ATIBT and the European Timber Industries (CEIbois, ETTF et EOS) co-signed an open letter ahead of the Plenary vote (September 12-15) on the Proposal for a EU Regulation on the making available on the Union market as well as export from the Union of certain commodities and products associated with deforestation and forest degradation.
The ATIBT and its partners in achieving the objectives ofthe Green Deal, committed to combating illegal logging, remain cautious about new legal or technological requirements that have not been adequately assessed from an economic, scientific and feasibility perspective. Among other things, the requirement for geolocation should not be mandatory until appropriate partnerships have been established and a reliable system is in place. The co-signatories call for clear, easy-to-understand, commodity-specific guidelines to be published.
Read the co-signed open letter
The ATIBT team


ATIBT Newsletter - September 02, 2022

In the run-up to the FSC GA, which will take place from 9 to 16 October, Mongabay’s Hans Nicholas Jong spoke with Mr. Kim Carstensen during the latter’s visit to Jakarta in July 2022 to discuss changes to the FSC rules. Community involvement is important in keeping deforestation rates down, and the interview also mention why forestry workers are a key, overlooked, constituency in the fight to keep forests standing.
Click here to read the interview
The ATIBT team


ATIBT Newsletter - July 29, 2022

Demands on forests have never been so high. The need for timber is increasing, but forests are also critical climate change mitigation champions and biodiversity hosts. We need to meet and exceed society’s changing expectations of forests.
Michael Berger, new PEFC Secretary General/CEO


ATIBT Newsletter - July 22, 2022

An ATIBT forum is above all a place to exchange ideas and points of view. In this sense, the formula we had chosen for Nantes maximized this objective and we think we have reached it. Thank you again to all those who made this meeting possible!
You will find today the report made by the ATIBT team, with many links to the presentations and recordings. Please do not hesitate to write to us to give us your opinion on this event and make recommendations for our Forum 2024.
The ATIBT team


ATIBT Newsletter - July 15, 2022

The next CITES COP will be held from November 14 to 25 in Panama. The EU authorities want to list in appendix II the genus Khaya (mahogany), Afzelia (doussié), among others. The ATIBT regrets that the EU approach does not sufficiently involve scientists from its member states in the choice of species, as this choice is not sufficiently supported and does not target certain other species currently under pressure. Thus, red listing becomes a sort of easy solution, and this implies that the southern countries must commit funds, sometimes substantial, to produce non-detriment findings.
The ATIBT would like to see better interaction between the EU, the producer states and the scientific community in order to reach objective choices that target the species that are really in danger.
The ATIBT team


ATIBT Newsletter - July 08, 2022

This Friday, July 8, during the 19th meeting of the parties of the CBFP in Libreville, the president of the ATIBT presented in plenary session the final recommendations of the private sector, in a document entitled "Prospects and conditions for a sustainable timber economy". This document will be shared next week. Furthermore, after Germany, France takes over the facilitation of this organization.
The ATIBT team


ATIBT Newsletter - July 01, 2022

On June 30 and July 1, the ATIBT met with FSC Europe members in Lisbon. Caroline Duhesme and Benoit Jobbé-Duval discussed the main issues of importance for the ATIBT, which will be on the agenda of the next FSC General Assembly in Bali: the defense of the ATIBT motions on the issue of intact forest landscapes (IFL), the evolution of the FSC procedure on ecosystem services, among others. In addition, the draft European regulation on imported deforestation was discussed. As a reminder, the ATIBT took a position last week; we will come back to you soon with the analysis of the latest text proposal adopted by the Council of the European Union.
The ATIBT team


ATIBT Newsletter - June 24, 2022

*Important information*
On June 28, the Environment Council of the European Union Council is expected to adopt a general approach on the proposed EU regulation on imported deforestation. The timber industry recalls the stakes of this draft regulation against deforestation, on sustainable forest management. We share, on the forum below, our position on the points of attention to be paid to this project and alert on the consequences of this regulation on the tropical timber industry.
The ATIBT team


ATIBT Newsletter - June 17, 2022

In preparation for the ban on log exports from January 2023, experts from CEMAC's CRIB (Regional Committee for Sustainable Industrialization) held a meeting, in which the President of ATIBT participated. The purpose of this meeting was to validate the framework and support texts necessary to mitigate the decline in log export earnings. CEMAC encourages member states to put in place tax incentives for wood processing, which we will come back to next week.
The ATIBT team


ATIBT Newsletter - June 10, 2022

H.E. the Minister of Forest Economy of Congo, Rosalie Matondo, Sheam Satkuru, ITTO Executive Director, Thaïs Linhares, FAO Sustainable Forestry Team Leader, and Françoise Van de Ven, ATIBT President, during the ATIBT forum.


ATIBT Newsletter - May 20, 2022

D-12 from our ATIBT Forum, we are pleased to share with you the program of conferences and round tables, which will be organized in three formats:
- A one-day plenary conference on Wednesday, June 1, opened by three forests ministers from the Congo Basin (Cameroon, Gabon, Congo),
- Round tables in agora format on the ATIBT stand during the 3 days of the Forum,
- Side-events on Thursday, June 2 in the conference room.
The day before, we will meet for our Gala at the Machines de Nantes for an evening full of surprises.
This week will offer the opportunity to exchange on the markets and on technical aspects, but also to meet in a friendly and festive setting on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the ATIBT.
We hope to see many of you there!
Download the program of the ATIBT Forum
The ATIBT team


ATIBT Newsletter - May 13, 2022

We share with you this week the ministerial call for sustainable timber made at the World Forestry Congress in Seoul, organised by the FAO. This appeal will be relayed again by the FAO representative at our next meeting in Nantes. This message once again calls on all policy makers in tropical wood-using countries to give sustainable wood its rightful place as an alternative to energy-intensive materials as "a cost-effective and innovative contribution to achieving carbon neutrality and building more resilient economies".
Benoit Jobbé-Duval, ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - May 06, 2022

Preparations for the ATIBT Forum are continuing. The big dinner on 31 May will be the starting point, in the "Ile des Machines" in Nantes. Registrations are open with the members and partners of our association. The presence of several ministers from the Congo Basin, and the heads of FSC and PEFC International makes this meeting particularly important at a time when our association is celebrating its 70th anniversary.
Benoit Jobbé-Duval, ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - April 29, 2022

The next ATIBT General Assembly will take place on May 31st. The same evening, we will celebrate our 70th anniversary, before the start of our forum within the framework of the Carrefour International du Bois. The members and partners of our association are expected at 2:30 pm at the " ONE POINT ", 3, rue Lavoisier, in NANTES.
Benoit Jobbé-Duval, ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - April 22, 2022

Our president Françoise Van de Ven and three former presidents of the ATIBT, Olman Serrano, Robert Hunink and Jean-Jacques Landrot, met today at the association's headquarters to exchange ideas and to talk with the team about the forthcoming ATIBT forum in Nantes. This was also the opportunity to conduct interviews which will be proposed to you very soon.
The ATIBT Team


ATIBT Newsletter - April 15, 2022

Françoise Van de Ven, our President, participated in the Foreign Trade Day organized by GD Holz in Bremen on April 7, 2022. In addition to her presentation on the latest news from the Congo Basin countries, Françoise Van de Ven also moderated a round table discussion on "alternative species". The other roundtables also had important themes, including the new EU regulations, maritime freight, CO2 compensation for timber imports, and the possibilities for tropical timber in construction, among others.
The ATIBT was very pleased to be able to contribute to the whole day dedicated to tropical timber at GD Holz.
The ATIBT Team


ATIBT Newsletter - April 08, 2022

The ATIBT would like to inform you that the registration for the forum of our association, from 31 May to 3 June, is now open. The information available to date can be found on our website:
You can contact us at the following address for any information you may need, and in particular for information on how to participate:
A specific message has been sent to ATIBT members.
The ATIBT Team


ATIBT Newsletter - March 25, 2022

Gabon's elephants carry a lot of weight in the advocacy of certified tropical timber. "The population is increasing significantly. This growth, associated with that of other large mammals, is reaching its highest proportions in forests with FSC and PAFC labels," says Edwige Eyang Effa, a researcher at the Institute of Tropical Ecology Research (Iret) in Gabon and head of the non-governmental organization Women, Environment and Health.
The gain in biodiversity is added to the well-being of indigenous populations, according to Norbert Gami, of WCS, in charge of social aspects within the FSC forest certification organization: "The registration of employees in the social security system, including subcontractors of operators, is a condition for holding the label".
Le Moniteur, March 16, 2022


ATIBT Newsletter - March 18, 2022

Among the news this week, the ATIBT would like to highlight the forthcoming arrival in Gabon of a new CIRAD researcher. In support of national researchers, her work on the valorization of timber waste and by-products, as well as on little-used species, will be important for the development of the sector.
Thus, one more woman is joining the tropical timber sector and we welcome her to the field!
Benoit Jobbé-Duval, ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - March 11, 2022

Above all, we are very saddened by the conflict in Ukraine, which is getting worse and causing so much human drama. As an international association which aims above all to forge links between countries and people, we are all the more affected.
The time will come to assess the true consequences for our tropical industry of the ban on the export/import of timber from Belarus by the EU, the risks of an import ban from Russia, as well as the position of FSC© and PEFC which targets "conflict wood". But we are already moving towards an impact on our industry, due to logistical factors and the lack of wood on the market.
We express our full support to our Ukrainian friends.
Benoit Jobbé-Duval, ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - March 04, 2022

Once again the wood sector is impacted by a major crisis: that of Ukraine. For the moment, no measures have been taken to stop the supply of wood from Russia/Ukraine to the EU. Nevertheless, financial and logistical impacts can be expected, adding to the volatility of the markets. The indirect impact on tropical timber remains unknown at this time. Together with our colleagues from ETTF we are following this news closely and will keep you informed.
Benoit Jobbé-Duval, ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - February 25, 2022

We are pleased to inform you that the ATIBT has continued its dialogue with Solideo, the organisation in charge of the construction of the Olympic Village for Paris 2024, for the recognition of certified tropical woods in the framework of this construction site. A last request for clarification has been made by this organisation, to which we have replied with a letter that we are making available to our members. We are counting on a favourable outcome in this matter.
Benoit Jobbé-Duval, ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - February 11, 2022

Since the promulgation of Law 33-2020 of 8 July 2020 on the Forestry Code in Congo, a technical and legal analysis of the law and the draft application texts has been carried out by a group of EFI experts. The results of this work were presented at a participatory workshop with all stakeholders in March 2021. On Wednesday 9 February 2022, the inaugural session of the Multi-Stakeholder Working Group in charge of drafting the implementation texts, chaired by the Minister of Forest Economy, took place in the conference room of the Ministry of Forest Economy. All stakeholders involved were represented.
The major issue is the production sharing regime, and ATIBT Congo is working with the professional associations Unicongo and Unibois, and exchanges are being initiated with Gabon, where this approach is foreseen in the draft of the new forestrycode.
ATIBT Congo is following this very closely and we will keep you informed of developments.
Alain Tiotsop, ATIBT Congo Representative


ATIBT Newsletter - February 04, 2022

I would like to thank the Board of Directors and the members General Assembly  for appointing me as President of the ATIBT and for placing their trust in me to guide the Association in this exceptional year, hoping that we can return to normal functioning so that I can fully play my role.
The ATIBT team and I went on a seminar this week to build capacity and define strategies and actions for the years 2022 and 2023. A report on this work will be submitted to the members very soon.
Françoise van de Ven, President of the ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - January 28, 2022

The ATIBT ordinary general assembly, which was held on Friday 28 January, ratified the appointment of Françoise Van de Ven as the new president of the ATIBT. She succeeds Olman Serrano, whose term of office was coming to an end. On the same day, an extraordinary general assembly allowed for certain modifications to be made to the statutes of our association. The new statutes will soon be available on the ATIBT website.
ATIBT team


ATIBT Newsletter - January 21, 2022

*48 %*
This is the percentage of regular readers of our newsletter who are considered "active" or "very active". The rest of the recipients are occasional readers. We thank you for this audience and hope that you will find our newsletter articles even more useful!
ATIBT team


ATIBT Newsletter - January 14, 2022

Next week will be important for the ATIBT commissions, as the certification commission will be held on Wednesday morning and the carbon commission of our association will be launched on Wednesday afternoon. We would like to thank the members of the ATIBT who wished to join these meetings, thus contributing to the fundamental reflections concerning our sector.
ATIBT team


ATIBT Newsletter - January 07, 2022

At the start of the year, the President, the Executive Board and the ATIBT team wish all readers of this newsletter a very happy new year 2022.
All members of our association are also reminded that an ordinary general assembly and an extraordinary general assembly will take place on Friday January 28 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
ATIBT team


ATIBT Newsletter - December 17, 2021

As we end the year with this last newsletter, we would like to take this opportunity to inform ATIBT members of the upcoming launch of the Carbon Commission, which will aim to provide support to forestry companies who wish to better understand the carbon market. Those who wish to join can contact us here.
Olman Serrano, president of the ATIBT, the executive board and the team wish you all a very happy end of the year 2021!
Benoit Jobbé-Duval, DG ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - December 10, 2021

Following the ATIBT board meeting held today, Mrs Françoise Van de Ven was elected as the new president of the ATIBT. An Extraordinary General Assembly will be convened in January to ratify this choice with all the members of the association.
Benoit Jobbé-Duval, ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - December 03, 2021

We relay this Friday a statement published by ITTO on November 30, following a discussion organized by the Trade Advisory Group (TAG) in which the ATIBT participates. This statement first looks at the difficulties of the sector linked to the sanitary crisis, before commenting on the recent proposal for EU legislation on the fight against imported deforestation. Finally, it warns against misinterpreting the decisions taken at COP26 by calling for the strengthening of trade in certified tropical timber.
Benoit Jobbé-Duval, ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - November 26, 2021

This week in Brazzaville, the first elements of the planned methodology for Production Sharing (PS) were unveiled at the XIVth VPA-Flegt CCM. Two approaches are planned, one with PS on woodlots, the other with PS on the ground.
The creation of a National Forestry Company for Production Sharing (NFC-PS) is envisaged, which will have 5 main objectives:
- The implementation of industrial business development;
- Monitoring and publication of available volumes per concession;
- Establishment/control of reference prices;
- The supervision of transactions;
- Traceability and monitoring;
We will share more detailed elements next week. The full report of the FRMi consultancy, produced at the request of the Ministry of Forest Economy, has been requested by the private sector representatives.
It should be noted that Gabon,which has circulatedadraft of a new forestry code, is also planning to implement a PS.
Benoit Jobbé-Duval, ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - November 19, 2021

This week saw two major events for ATIBT and its members. The 4th ATIBT Think Tank took place on Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 November, and the STTC/Fair&Precious conference on Thursday 18 November. Thesetwo events (the Think Tank brought together around 70 people and the STTC/Fair&Precious conference, 90) provided an opportunity to discuss the latest news and, above all, the challenges facing the industry, with the motto of "seeking to promote sustainable tropical timber more and more effectively".
Thank you all for your participation, and we wish you a well-deserved weekend!
Olman Serrano & Josépha Coache, ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - November 12, 2021

Next Wednesday, November 17th, the European Union will publish its draft regulation to fight against imported deforestation, in which timber will be included.
The "Imported Deforestation" group of the Certification Commission is closely following this issue, and the ATIBT will not fail to react on this draft new regulation, in order to recall the experience that the Tropical Forest and Timber sector has acquired over several decades to guarantee the legality and sustainability of its activities and timber products, while avoiding deforestation. The events planned for next week, such as the ATIBT Think Tank and the STTC conference, should provide food for thought.
Caroline Duhesme, ATIBT
Secretary of the Certification Commission


ATIBT Newsletter - November 05, 2021

As COP26 continues in Glasgow, we bring you some of the important news for the Congo Basin. The latest news is that 133 countries are now committed to reducing deforestation, representing 90% of the world's forests. Let's hope this massive commitment continues over the next few days!
Benoit Jobbé-Duval, ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - October 29, 2021

From 1 to 12 November, the COP 26 global event will be held in Glasgow.  The ATIBT will be represented by Mr. Olman Serrano, our President, and Mrs. Françoise Van de Ven, member of the Executive Board. Some ATIBT member companies will also be there (Interholco, Precious Woods), or represented in different ways. All of them, as well as some Congo Basin States, COMIFAC and CBFP will support the sustainable management of tropical forests and in particular those of the Congo Basin, for the future of our climate.
Benoit Jobbé-Duval, ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - October 22, 2021

In 2022, the ATIBT will organise its biennial forum! The association's team is currently working on the organisation of this meeting within the framework of the Carrefour International du Bois, in Nantes. The General Assembly and the Gala evening will take place on 31 May 2022, and the technical meetings will be held from 1 to 3 June 2022. We will provide you with more information in the coming weeks, and encourage you to contact us for any preliminary information.
Benoit Jobbé-Duval, ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - October 15, 2021

The consumption of certified tropical timber from sustainably managed forests in the Congo Basin is essential for the future of these tropical forests. This was the message that several forest ministers from the Congo Basin, various international experts and NGOs conveyed during various meetings last week in Paris.
Benoit Jobbé-Duval, ATIBT


ATIBT Newsletter - October 08, 2021

The "Diplomatic Mission for Tropical Timber", organised by the ATIBT with the support and active presence of the Forest Ministers of Cameroon and Congo, as well as COMIFAC, took place during an intense week in Paris. The ATIBT and the two Ministers were received at the Paris City Hall on Tuesday 05 October.
On Wednesday 6 October, the "Paris Initiative for the Preservation of Central African Forests" was also held. We will broadcast a special flash next week on this event, during which various voices were raised against the boycott of tropical timber on the construction site of the Paris 2024 Olympics. We thank all those who expressed their support for the responsible use of tropical timber during the conference, and hope that anappropriate decision can be taken in the coming weeks to see certified tropical timber back on the Olympic construction site.
Benoit Jobbé-Duval, ATIBT
