As part of the updating of its QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety and Environment) policy, Rougier Gabon has tackled the issue of health and safety at work. Two training courses have thus been provided via two programmes, "defensive driving" and "first aid", under the supervision of Rougier Gabon's CSR and Certification Director Lucas Millet, and in partnership with the Gabonese consultancy BEKS Consulting.
Rougier Gabon
The first training course was held over 8 sessions in October and November in Kouma and Mikongo, with 85 drivers taking part. The aim of the training was firstly to make drivers aware of the risks involved in their job; secondly, to identify the various causes of road accidents in order to remedy them. Lastly, it was a question of demonstrating the attitude to adopt at the wheel through the following points: anticipation of the risks and dangers before, during and after driving; reminder of the rules of the traffic regulations; awareness of the risks involved in driving; demonstration of the behaviour to adopt when driving.
Rougier Gabon
The second training course took place in September, with the aim of preparing employees to act quickly and effectively in the event of a fire or serious accident. It provided an opportunity to teach staff how to behave safely in such a situation, to test the effectiveness of the instructions given in the event of a fire breaking out, to evacuate if necessary, and to train in the care of any injured persons.
Rougier Gabon