
Sharing knowledge: Shrinkage wood


This week we talk about wood durability with data sheet number 4

Wood durability is a characteristic specific to each wood species. It determines its resistance to degrading biological agents. This natural protection is due to duraminization, a chemical process that creates heartwood. Heartwood is distinguished from sapwood by its unique coloration.

Although duraminization is common to many tree species, the formation of heartwood varies significantly from species to species. The durability and color of heartwood, which develop as the tree grows, are influenced by the metabolisms of living sapwood cells. Studies have shown that the sugars (polysaccharides) stored in the sapwood are used to create different molecular structures. These structures give the wood its distinctive color and durability properties. This process is complex, and for those interested in finding out more, bibliographical references are available at the end of this article.

The durability class of wood has been defined according to several criteria, which are presented in data sheet number 4. Firstly, there's durability against fungi (1 to 5), then durability against wood-eating insects (S susceptible or D durable), durability against termites (S or D), and finally durability against marine borers (S or D). These different durabilities enable us to classify wood according to its intended use. There are 5 different classes, which categorize wood from indoor use to outdoor use. You'll find all the details you need in data sheet number 4.


Bien comprendre les classes d’emploi et la préservation des bois – FCBA – CTBB+

Heartwood formation process in teak

Matériau bois – durabilité

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