
For a new Guide on trees in Central Africa


We invite our readers to respond to a survey designed to target the objectives of the new book. We are transmitting here to the readers of our newsletter an information that Professor JL Doucet, from the University of Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, and the association Nature+ have asked to be distributed among the members of our association and more generally through the ATIBT newsletter. 

The aim is to produce a new guide on trees in Central Africa, following funding from the PPECF, the Programme for the Promotion of the Certified Exploitation of Forests that many of you know.  We all want this guide to be as useful as possible for forest managers and to promote LKTS (including wood aspects). This document will also enable the dissemination of the data acquired in the Dynaffor and P3FAC projects.  In concrete terms, this guide on trees in Central Africa, which is scheduled for publication at the end of 2023, is a revised version of the book "Les arbres utiles du Gabon" (Gabon's useful trees )published by Meunier et al (2015) and can be downloaded HERE.

The new version is intended to be more complete both in terms of description and the number of species covered (500). Also, the questionnaire that you will find HERE aims to collect your opinion in order to target the elements to be improved / completed in relation to the guide " Les arbres utiles du Gabon".  

This questionnaire should only take 5 minutes and your answers will be treated anonymously. Thank you to as many of you as possible for completing it by 20 November!

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