
Welcome to our new member : Bertrand Faucon, Stratémark (France)


Stratémark is a marketing consultancy, created in 1986 by Bertrand Faucon and located in Caen in Normandy. Stratémark specializes in operational monitoring and project management assistance, and enjoys numerous public and private references, particularly in the areas of quality, tourism and territorial marketing.


Bertrand Faucon was one of the contributors in 2005 to the Quality Tourism Plan, which nowadays belongs to more than 5,500 companies. This approach has many similarities with the certified tropical timber industry, in that it consists in valorising establishments that are committed to consumer satisfaction and respect for the good practices of their profession.



Why did you decide to join ATIBT?


« The discovery three years ago of a sector totally destabilized in economic and media terms, confronted with unjustified amalgams, compared to other materials in an unfair way and unable to promote the benefits of responsible logging represented a professional challenge that I do not regret at all.

This teamwork has allowed me to meet exciting people who serve an extraordinary material, whose commitment to the environment and economic development in the production areas is the opposite of the prejudices we are fighting with method and determination. « 

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